
Current chapter: Open Skies

Open skies

Elon Riverlands

Find 7 relicts and buy 2

Optimal route


  • runeOfHonor
    #2. Golsah, the Rune of Honor
    For this you have to complete
  • relicPreservationMaterials
    #4. Relic Preservation Materials
    Purchase this relic from Follower Xunn for
    Gold 25 Silver 00 Copper 00
    Relic Preservation Materials
    Relic Preservation Materials location
  • warmedRiparianGriffonEgg
    #7. Warmed Riparian Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from the griffon roost in Elon Riverlands
    Warmed Riparian Griffon Egg
    Warmed Riparian Griffon Egg location
  • rockyRiparianGriffonEgg
    #8. Rocky Riparian Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from atop a mesa over the Vulture Drifts in Elon Riverlands
    Rocky Riparian Griffon Egg 1
    Rocky Riparian Griffon Egg 1
    Rocky Riparian Griffon Egg location
  • runeOfHumility
    #3. Giwebo, the Rune of Humility
    Solve the mystery of the lost spirit's memories in the Elon Riverlands to aquire this relic
    Giwebo, the Rune of Humility 1
    Giwebo, the Rune of Humility 2
    Giwebo, the Rune of Humility location
  • mapsToOutpost
    #5. Maps to the Outpost
    Purchase this relic from Ebele for
    Gold 25 Silver 00 Copper 00
    Maps to the Outpost
    Maps to the Outpost location
  • azureRiparianGriffonEgg
    #9. Azure Riparian Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from a shattered tower high above the Elon Riverlands
    Azure Riparian Griffon Egg
    Azure Riparian Griffon Egg location
  • runeOfJustice
    #1. Limwe, the Rune of Justice
    Defeat Warden Jabari and free the prisoners in Elon Riverlands to acquire this relic
    Limwe, the Rune of Justice 1
    Limwe, the Rune of Justice 2
    Limwe, the Rune of Justice Location
  • spearmarshalsPlea
    #6. Spearmarshal's Plea
    Acquire this relic from the last spearmarshal