
Current chapter: Open Skies

Open skies

Desert Highlands

Find 7 relicts and buy 2

Optimal route


  • runeOfLoyalty
    #1. Zaklem, the Rune of Loyalty
    Defend a Sunspear from the Mordant Crescent in Kanuz Cache to acquire this relic
    The Rune of Loyalty 1
    The Rune of Loyalty 2
    The Rune of Loyalty 3
    The Rune of Loyalty Location
  • enormousSupplyOfBirdFeed
    #2. Enormous Supply of Bird Feed
    Purchase this relic from Groffmok for
    Gold 25 Silver 00 Copper 00
    at Auburn Hills.
    Enormous Supply of Bird Feed
    Enormous Supply of Bird Feed location
  • survivalSupplies
    #3. Survival Supplies
    Purchase this relic from Tendaji for
    Gold 25 Silver 00 Copper 00
    at Diviner's Reach.
    Survival Supplies
    Survival Supplies location
  • spearmarshalsPlea
    #4. Spearmarshal's Plea
    Acquire this relic from the last spearmarshal
  • warmedMountainGriffonEgg
    #5. Warmed Mountain Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from the griffon roost in Desert Highlands
    Warmed Mountain Griffon Egg 1
    Warmed Mountain Griffon Egg 2
    Warmed Mountain Griffon Egg location
  • crustyMountainGriffonEgg
    #6. Crusty Mountain Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from atop a pillar at Godfall Tower in Desert Highlands
    Crusty Mountain Griffon Egg
    Crusty Mountain Griffon Egg location
  • roughMountainGriffonEgg
    #7. Rough Mountain Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from above a sheltered tree in Desert Highlands
    Rough Mountain Griffon Egg
    Rough Mountain Griffon Egg location
  • vibrantMountainGriffonEgg
    #8. Vibrant Mountain Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from the nests of thieving Hawkeye Griffons in Desert Highlands
    Vibrant Mountain Griffon Egg 1
    Vibrant Mountain Griffon Egg 2
    Vibrant Mountain Griffon Egg location
  • dampMountainGriffonEgg
    #9. Damp Mountain Griffon Egg
    Collect this egg from a ledge below Jinx Hollow in Desert Highlands
    Damp Mountain Griffon Egg 1
    Damp Mountain Griffon Egg 2
    Damp Mountain Griffon Egg location
Previous step
Crystal Oasis