
Current chapter: Saving Skyscales

Saving Skyscales

Skyscale of Spirit

Infuse your skyscale egg 5 times with spirit

  • natureOfSpirit
    The Nature of Spirit
    Venture northeast from Waypoint . Amaranda the Lonesome stands atop a rise on the northern side of the pond
    Amaranda the Lonesome
    Amaranda the Lonesome location
  • spiritOfLichKing
    Spirit of the Lich King
    From the travel west along the northern edge of Central Brand Scar. The Point of interest is to the north, halfway along the road
    Concentration of magic location
    Concentration of magic
  • spiritOfCentaurs
    Spirit of the Centaurs
    Head north from towards the mysterious Point of interest
    Concentration of magic
    Concentration of magic location
  • spiritOfHero
    Spirit of the Hero
    Starting from , make the long trek towards the northwestern corner of the map, where you'll find the monument to Point of interest
    Ice Prison
    Ice Storm
  • spiritOfProphet
    Spirit of the Prophet
    Begin in the Desert Highlands at the Exit northeast, then over the fiery gates into the Branded crater of Prophet's Fall. The Concentration of Magic sits on a floating crystal above the rim of the crater
    Ice Prison
    Ice Storm
Previous step
Skyscale of Death