There are total of 83 available mastrey points.
To unlock all of the masteries we will need a total of 31,432,500 experience and 49 mastery points .
Pact Mentor
Exp: 635,000 - Points: 1
Ability to use the Mentoring Badge accessible in the Party menu and the Mentor chat title activated through the mentor slash command. Permanent 5% swiftness bonus in cities for your party.
Productive Downtime
Exp: 1,270,000 - Points: 2
Bonus 15% experience from all crafting that grants experience. 10% higher chance of critical bonus crafting experience.
Supply Line Management
Exp: 2,222,500 - Points: 3
Ability to trade with the Pact Supply Network Agents who travel across Central Tyria. You can purchase one item from each agent each day in exchange for karma. Permanent 15% swiftness bonus while in cities for your party.
Noblesse Oblige
Exp: 3,175,000 - Points: 5
Ability to revive allied players faster and remove durability and downed penalties on a successful revive. The speed of your revive is increased more when the level of the character being revived is lower than your own.
Advanced Logistics
Exp: 4,127,500 - Points: 8
Ability to have loot from creatures you defeat be deposited automatically into your inventory. This ability can be turned off in the Options menu. Permanent 33% swiftness bonus in cities for your party.
Follows Advice
Exp: 635,000 - Points: 1
You will have unlocked additional daily achievements for fractal scales 21-49. You will be able to access vendors with special items inside the Mistlock Observatory.
Agony Channeler
Exp: 1,270,000 - Points: 2
You will receive bonus rewards from fractal dungeon boss chests. Vendors will sell ingredients for attuning rings in the Mystic Forge, which provide additional agony resistance slots on your ascended and infused rings. Mist potions will also convert a percentage of your agony resistance to specific attributes, depending on the potion used.
Recursive Resourcing
Exp: 2,222,500 - Points: 3
You will gain bonus rewards from Chests of the Mists and Fractal Encryptions. Mist potion conversion will be improved.
Mistlock Singularities
Exp: 3,175,000 - Points: 5
You will be able to activate Mistlock Singularities inside Fractals of the Mists to gain additional Agony Resistance and a shield that can prevent death inside fractal dungeons. Fractal potion conversion will be improved.
Revered Antiquarian
Exp: 1,270,000 - Points: 1
You will be abble to speak to Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion's Arch to begin the first-tier precursor weapon collection for any legendary weapon.
Magister of Legends
Exp: 2,540,000 - Points: 3
You will be abble to purchase components necessary for the creation of second-tier precursor weapons from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion's Arch.
Historian of the Armaments
Exp: 3,810,000 - Points: 6
You will be abble to purchase components necessary for the creation of third-tier precursor weapons from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion's Arch.
Scholar of Secrets
Exp: 5,080,000 - Points: 9
You will be abble to purchase components necessary for the creation of Heart of Thorns legendary weapons from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion's Arch.